13 things you shouldn't say to someone who is struggling with their mental health
With one in six people experiencing some sort of mental health issue, it is important for all of us to be mindful of how to respectfully engage with those who are affected. Sometimes we may not be able to tell if someone is going through mental health issues and the lack of awareness and sensitivity can be hurtful and upsetting. So here are a few things you shouldn't say to someone who is struggling with ther mental health:
1. "But you're so rich, famous, successful..."
2. "I went through the same thing when I..."
3. "You're just looking for attention."
4. "Just exercise"
5. "When the pain is gone, everything will be great."
6. "Am I not enough for you?"
7. "Suck it up."
8. "But you don't look sick"
9. "I feel so sorry for you."
10. "You'll go to hell."
11. "Cheer up."
12. "How did you get in this situation?"
13. "Snap out of it"
For more insight as to why these things, or of the similar phrase, can be damaging to those who are experiencing mental health issues, read the full article here.